Please excuse the photo quality... My camera is on the fritz so this was taken with my BlackBerry... Amy needed a bookshelf for Baby Addison's room, she offered to buy one and have me paint it for her but I insisted that building a bookshelf would be a piece of cake and I would build it to the size she needed and then paint it. It took
many trips to Home Depot, lots of trial and error and a few cocktails but here is Monkey's new bookshelf.
I built it out of solid pine, then primed and painted it with this stripe design. The orange and yellow stripes are alternating between satin finish and flat finish to add dimension. The trim around the top was actually the hardest part for me... It took me a few times to figure out how to line up cuts with the miter saw... Oops... back to Home Depot for more trim! There is also a strip of dotted trim along the front of each shelf alternating between teal and purple dots to add a more feminine touch.
Building the bookshelf was a great learning experience for me - and it really made me appreciate handmade furniture even more than I already did! Sure it is easier to go to IKEA for a bookshelf you can put together in 5 minutes... but where's the sense of accomplishment!?